Spiritual Letter 59 - Outline & Summary Version            About Spiritual Letter 59
Title:  Once Again "And The Truth Will Set You Free"
Subject:  The life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).  Amen. 
Date Written:  August, 2004
Date Sent:  August, 2004
Written by:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to:  The Columnist, Writers, Workers, and Management of the NY Times

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa
'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the
beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Louie Beutler).

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Outline of Spiritual Letter - for Page 2 only
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4-0.  And Once Again, One Year Later (Part B)

          4-3.  To:  Mr. David Brooks: - Thank you for bringing "balance" to the world
                    1)  "God In A World Without Faith Appears Dead" - so we must awaken Him
                              within us, awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul
          4-4.  To:  The Others: The other Columnist: Mr. Bob Herbert, Mr. Nicholas
                    Kristof, Mr. Paul Krugman, and Mr. William Safire, and to the Assistant
                    Managing Editor, Mr.  Peter Putrimas - Thank you for being there for "us"
                    1)  A Short Story - use God to get to God, not what God has discarded
                    2)  Quotation From: "The "Holy Qur'an", Suratal Tarique: The Night
                              Visitant or the Morning Star - "I plot a plot, and they plot a plot, so give
                              a respite to the disbeliever, deal gently with them for a while"

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Text of Spiritual Letter - for Page 2 only
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4-3.  To: Mr.  David Brooks - Thank you for bringing "balance" to the world

We have seen and heard you on "The News Hour with Jim Lehrer" and appreciate the balance that you try to provide to that program, and how difficult that sometimes is.  Please keep up the good work.

In addition, we offer you the following short story to help see you through those difficult times, when no balance can really be provided, a story that was told to us by a very old and wise Holy Man, a few years ago, a Holy Man that we have been trying to live with for the last 29 years, His Holiness Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which like the "Shakespeare Looking Glass" of our dearest loving sister, Maureen Dowd, provides us with both an entertaining and yet a very wise perspective on the true condition of the world today, specifically on the scientific approach, the four religions, and the "Presence of God" in our life, as follows:
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1)  "God In A World Without Faith Appears Dead" - so we must awaken Him within us, we must awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul

          It seems in this small village of today there was a demonstration of the
          newly invented "scientific" approach, a demonstration whose inner meaning
          can help us deal with the current idea among some groups of self interest
          that "God is dead" and that the four major religions of the world are
          becoming irrelevant.

          To demonstrate this new wonder of the world they chose a large frog,
          prodding it with a stick, saying to the frog, "Jump frog, jump", upon which
          the frog responded and jumped four feet.  After which the observer of this
          "scientific experiment" wrote down in his/her log book,

                    "Frog with four legs jumps four feet."

          Then as befits our modern age of enlightenment, the experimenter then cut
          off one of the frogs legs, and then repeated the experiment, again prodding
          the frog and saying to the frog, "Jump frog, jump", upon which the frog
          responded and jumped three feet, and the observer wrote down,

                    "Frog with three legs jumps three feet."

          With the experimenter then repeating the experiment again, cutting off
          another leg of the frog, again prodding the frog and saying to the frog,
          "Jump frog, jump", upon which the frog responded and jumped two feet,
          and the observer wrote down,

                    "Frog with two legs jumps two feet."

          With the experimenter then repeating the experiment again, cutting off
          another leg of the frog, again prodding the frog and saying to the frog,
          "Jump frog, jump", upon which the frog responded and jumped one foot,
          and the observer wrote down,

                    "Frog with one legs jumps one foot."

          And finally, in the true experimental way, the experimenter repeated the
          experiment for the last time, cutting off the last leg of the frog, again
          prodding the frog and saying to the frog, "Jump frog, jump", but alas the frog
          did not respond, but just sat there, and the experimenter repeatedly prodded
          the frog and said to the frog, "Jump frog, jump", but the frog didn't move, and
          no matter how much prodding and asking the experimenter might do, the
          frog did not jump, and finally the observer wrote in his/her log book,

                    "Frog with no legs goes deaf."

---- end of Short Story ----

In this way, my dearest loving brother, God is not dead, He has just become deaf to the world that we have grown over Him, to a world that has cut off His four legs, which are the four great religions of the world; Hinduism, Zoroastrianism or Fire Worship, Christianity, and Islam and Judaism which in truth are one, despite all of God's efforts to teach us through them "who we already are", to teach us for the last 200 million years, with the coming of Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) into the world.

And through whom, through Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them), God sent us 124,000 Prophets, over and over again, to all people in the world, with the eight main Prophets of God being Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), who all were truly the "Light of God" to the world, to the world of Their age, and starting with Jesus (peace be upon Him), and continuing with Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), were also the "Word made flesh", just taking it to its natural completion.

And that completion is opening the kingdom of God within us, or the 8th heaven or firdaus of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, and going on Mi'raj within us, which is the ascending of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) to the final veil that separates a True Man from God, which is our true body within us, which is God's "School of Contrasts" within us, where Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us speaks to God within us through the final veil within us, and then at God's instruction, Muhammad (blessing and God be upon Him) within us removes the final veil between us and God within us, and Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) sees himself within the "Mirror of God In the Innermost Heart" within us, sees himself as a 16 year old youth with a downy mustache, and speaks to God within us.

With all of the 124,000 Prophets of God coming into the world, over and over and over again, as the leaders of man, of the four great religions of man, which in truth represent the four parts of our own body, with Hinduism representing Creation, the section below our waist, with Zoroastrianism or Fire Worship, which was the main religion of the ancient Empire of Persia and is still practiced in Iran today, as the stomach of man, with Christianity representing our chest, and with Islam and Judaism, as one and the same, as the two sons of Abraham (peace be upon Him), being our head.  Such were the Prophets of God, for all of the four major religions of the world, with this lineage of the Prophethood of God ending over 1400 years ago, with the coming into the world of the Prophet Muhammad, as the first and the last Prophet of God, completing for all of us the path of God, or religion, that we must all now walk, as True Human beings, in order to find God and become again "One with" God within us, from which we have all come from within us.

And then 400 years later, after the end of His Prophethood, with God starting something new, over 1000 years ago, as the true fruits of Their labor, of the 124,000 Prophets of God, coming over and over again into the world, as the 4 main religions, with God trying to explain to man the four parts of His own body, of a body that is really a school, really God's "School of Contrast", where we have all come to understand what truly "separate us" from God, and from each other.

In this way, over 1000 years ago God starts something new, sending True Man into the world, as "The Example" of what all men and women can now do, which is to walk the completed path of God back into the "Oneness of God and True Man", sending One into the world as "The Example" of One who has done it, who has successfully walked that path of God, of the "Path of God" or religion that was completed for man by Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), as "The Example" of One who has
again become "One with" God, before death, but this time with an understanding of that "Oneness" that is God, so it will never be lost again, because that is why we came here, to understand who we "Already are", and "who we are" is of God, and of "what God is doing" within us, which is revealing "us" to God, revealing the "understanding of God" to God, revealing God to God, for the benefit of "us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, which in our current state of "separation from" God, is "us".

For as Bawa teaches us,

          "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood, because that is why
          it is there in the first, understanding".           

So over a 1000 years ago God tries something new, sending True Man into the world as "The Example" of what we all must do, and which we all now can do, which first occurred in the world as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), with "Jilani" being a small town in what we now call Iraq, as the One who came into the world over 1000 years ago and upon coming to adulthood entered Baghdad as the "Flower of God's Wisdom", as the Muhaiyaddeen of God, the "Giver of Life Back to True Belief", which is "God's belief in God", and now in our age, He has again come into our world, as the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with Him), which is each of us living in the world today, if we but truly want it. 

For the choice is ours, as it always had been, to either accept what God has sent us, in our own age, or not, and what God always sends us in each age is always the same, which is Himself, to either accept Him as the truth of us, and in this way, letting "God happen" within us, in this way, joining with Him to become Him within us, or to continue to accept what is covering Him within us, what has grown over in our ignorance and is now covering this truth of us within us, as "us", as the "false us" on the "outside" of us that is hiding the "True Us" within us, which is our current life, which is what we are currently experiencing, as "us" living a life of "separation and differences" with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our collective
ignorance as existing "outside" of us. 

Such is the choice that each of us must now make, and "no choice" is still a choice, a choice to continue with "business as usual" until we die, and then reap what we have sown, move into the house that we have built, all within the justice of God.

For as Bawa teaches us,

          "The justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive."

May we both make the right choice, my dearest loving brother, and choose God, choose God as the reality of us, and join with Him within us to discover what that means, and in the process let "us" end, let "us" on the "outside" of us peacefully come to an end, by "us" within us understanding "us" on the "outside"  of us with our wisdom, which is our direct connection to God within us, by joining in partnership with God within us, before we "say or do" anything, by saying the word "Jesus", or "Nur Muhammad", or "Qutb Muhaiyaddeen", or "Morgan" (which is the name of Muhammad [Sal.] in the Hindu tradition, one of the 102 names of Muhammad [Sal.]), or "Bawa", before we "say or do" anything, in this way, establishing the "Presence of God" within us, before we "say or do" anything.

For as Bawa teaches us, in truth

          "They are all One" within us.

In this way, letting "us" as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God, both within us and "outside" of us, naturally come to an end.

In this way, my dearest loving brother, allowing God to speak by making the world within us deaf, because we cannot hear both, we cannot have two master. Amen.

For as Bawa teaches us,

          "A Sufi (a True Human being in the Islamic tradition) is One who settles into
          stillness through the realization that everything is perfect."

And finally, as Bawa teaches us,

          "The true evil in the world today is that in ignorance, man thinks that he is god,
          and the true solution to that evil of today, is that in truth, He is."


          "Man is God in the forgetting of Himself."


          "If you are there, God is not there,
          and if God is there, you are not there."


          "Never have the thought that there is something that you have to do."

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4-4.  To: The Others: The other Columnist: Mr. Bob Herbert, Mr. Nicholas Kristof,
          Mr. Paul Krugman, and Mr. William Safire, and to the Assistant Managing Editor,
          Mr.  Peter Putrimas - Thank you for being there for "us"

My dear band of brothers, we have much work to do in our age, an age like none other, searching for an identity when in truth nothing from the past applies, nothing that has been said before really fits.  What to do?  And the answer is simple, nothing.  But the rub, to do nothing properly.  That is the challenge.

For if we can learn to undo what we have done, to somehow wipe out all of our "progress", that perhaps the original will be seen, and in the process perhaps by taking on this task, by learning through negation, rather than through accumulation, define "what we're not", rather than "what we are", then we will come to understand the original, which was there all the time, hiding behind what it had created to come to an understanding again of itself, for the benefit of all that it created, which in truth is but subtle reflections of itself.  Alas.  If only it were so. 

What do my lovely band of brothers think about this.  Nothing, hopefully.

Thank you from the very bottom of my heart, of the heart of this little child, for all the wonderful work of writing, of editing, and of commenting that you perform, day in and day out, as they say, in the 7 and 24, that is, seven days a week and 24 hours a day. 

It is an incredible job that you all do, a job which puts you in a wonderful position to truly empty your cup, which is the most difficult job of all to do, at least to honestly do, for only in truly emptying our cup can it ever be really filled again, can we ever really experience and new again, can we ever really know anything new again.  Something for all of us to think about. Yes?. 

Which is like the story of the child who first saw a sun rise, standing at the foot of his father, who looked at his dad and said,

          "Do it again".  

Like that, most of what we have learned we have forgotten, as we became safe, as we became civilized, cultured, as we "grew up", and yet, as Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) teaches us,

          "We have forgotten our determination to die, if we cannot truly see our Father,
          which is the way we came into this world, looking for our true Father, settling
          now for shadows of Him, which is like a painting of an apple, which when we
          get truly hungry, will not satisfy our hunger.  What to do?" 

And the answer is simple, stop making up reality and instead discover that each of us is reality, that we are it, not what is "outside" of us.  And we can all do this, we can all go on this truly magical or mystical journey within our selves, because this is the age we are in, this is what is now possible as it never was before, this is what is truly "who we are", and truly "where we are", and truly "what is happening" in our life, if we will only retrace the steps that we took to become what we have become, literally turning back the clock, walking back to the first job, the first kiss, before losing our virginity, before puberty, before we forgot God, before we stopped talking to the angels and all of the Creations of God within us, before we stopped talking to God, before the age of 2 when we spoke the language of all of the Creation of God, and were "One with" them, and then within the womb.

What really went on in the womb?  "Who were we then?.  And "who was with us?", teaching us, looking after us.  And then before "here", what was before "here"?  Yes, there was something before "here", and Yes there is something after "here".  Which only if we understand, will "here" make any sense, as explained in the following short story.

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1)  A Short Story - use God to get to God, not what God has discarded

This child was at work one day, working at Unisys Corporation in Radnor, Pennsylvania. USA, as a computer specialist, which we did for 18 years, as one among many computer specialists at that company at that time, which was for that time a very good job, and one of the real bright, young guys, who was a senior member of our project team, and had his own office and staff, and who we knew for about 2 years, came up to this child and said,

          "I'm miserable.  What should I do?"

Now this was in the 1980's and we had met Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in 1975, and had been studying with Him by this time for about 10 years, and the young guy who had asked this child this question, knew that, and we had talked about Bawa a little bit, telling him some things about Bawa, but not going into the teachings much.

We had told him things like that Bawa was a real Holy Man who had lived in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, from 1886 until He came to visit America in 1971, at the request of a group of American students, who had heard about Him from one of His disciples, who was then teaching at a local college, and that Bawa had built a reputation in Ceylon as a man of wisdom, who helped all people, regardless of race, religion, or anything else that tends to "separate us" from God, and from each other, first living for a long time in the Northern area of Ceylon, in Jaffna, which is predominately populated with people from Southern India, where the main religion is Hinduism, and then later moving to Colombo, the then capital of Ceylon, to teach some of the more open minded Muslims in that city, living in the home of one of His devoted students at that time, students who then came to America with Bawa and became His main translators, as Bawa spoke Tamil, a very old language spoken in Northern Ceylon and in Southern India.

So what did this child do?  With the question my friend at work asked?  And the answer is what was suggest above.  We did nothing, because by this time in the study of the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), we had learned to shift our focus from "outside" of us to within us, by joining in partnership with God within us, allowing God to speak from within us, which at first seems like a big leap, but in reality is a very simple thing.

Because it is the reality of us, not the exception of us, which is what we have been led to believe, by living on the "outside" of us, from the age of 2, when our parents taught us how to speak, which in truth is just the other way around, for at 2 is when we forgot everything that we had learned and experience in the world of soul, before we came "here", and what God taught us in the womb, and for the first two years of our life, when we were truly "One with" God, and "One with" all of the Creation of God within us, but without, and this is the main point, without an understanding of that "Oneness" with God, and with His Creation, which is the reason, the real reason we have come "here", with the "here" really being God's "School of Contrast", so we can understand who we already are, and to do it by contrast, because as Bawa teaches us,

          "Understanding only occurs through contrast."

So, as the light of God, without an understanding of ourselves, of the light, as "God happening", we have come to God's "School of Contrasts", through the contrast of our current "outside" of us, and our true "inside" of us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) happening within us, the soul being liberated from the cross of our elemental body by our wisdom, by pulling out the 5 nails of our desire to live "here", to live on the "outside" of us "here", and sin, that is, to live a life of 'separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, which by definition is a life of sin.

And if we can awaken God within us, before we die, if we can awaken the wisdom surrounding our soul, by truly hearing the "Word" of God in our age, by truly join as "One with" our wisdom against the "enemy of our soul" within us, which is "us" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, on the "outside" of us, and in this way, becoming the flower of Jesus within us, which is John within us, so Jesus within us can become the fragrance of John within us.

And doing all of this through the "grace" of God for our age, through our faith and trust in God within us, and through the "Word" of God for our age, that we truly hear and accept, which is the life and teaching of Jesus (peace be upon Them), for example, as recorded in the "Gospel of John", and the life and teaching of Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him), as recorded in the "Holy Qur'an", and the life and teaching of
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), that have come in our own age, and through many other things provided by God for our age, if we will truly hear them with our wisdom.

Then we, having joining as "One with" our wisdom and our soul, with our "spirit", and with the "Light" of God within us, in this way, becoming "One with" our wisdom, having joined with our John within us, and with our Jesus within us (peace be upon Them), and in this way, becoming the palace of the soul within us, the house of wisdom within us, the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him).

Then we joined as "One with" Qutb Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, can go in search of God within us, finding and becoming "One with" Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within us, and in this way, establishing the Holy Trinity within the Holy Trinity within us, forming in this way, the understanding of the Holy Trinity within the Holy Trinity within us, so it can again become One within us, One with the One within us, "One with" God within us, as True Man within the kingdom of God within us, allowing True Man within us to reveal the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.  Amen.
Now with this as a short background, lets turn back to the problem presented to this child by his friend at work, and how it was handled beautifully by doing "nothing correctly".

So when our friend brought his problem, which at that point had become the all consuming problem of his life, we knew what to do, we know that we had nothing to offer Him, that there was nothing of value that we could share with Him, but that we had God within us, and that God could easily take care of His problem, if we said His name for our age, establishing the "Presence of God' within us, and handed what was handed to us to God within us, to our wisdom, and to the truth of God within our wisdom.

So we did, we said the word "Bawa", establishing the "Presence of God" within us, in this way, joining in partnership with God within us, in partnership with our wisdom, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, in partnership with Bawa within us, and with God within Him, and handed Them within us what had been handed to this child on the "outside" of us, and in this way, we stepped back on the "outside" of us, so God within us could step forward, and deal with the situation on the "outside" of us as only God could and can, and the following dialogue occurred between this child and his friend.

This Child:

What seems to be the problem.

His Friend:

Its my whole life, nothing seems to make sense, nothing seems to be working right.  Please help me.

(Note: this brother was an exceptionally handsome young man, married to a very beautiful wife, had a very nice home, was making a lot of money, had two beautiful children, had a nice car, and had all of the things that someone of his age and income could have)

This Child:

We know what the problem is.

His Friend:

You do, why that is amazing.  We have been struggling with this problem for months and months and it really has us at our wits end.  What is the problem.

This Child:

Now rather than just telling you, lets go on a little imaginary journey first, that will provide a better way to answer your question. Ok?

His Friend:


This Child:

Now lets pretend that I gave you a leaf of a tree, but you had never heard about a tree before, and did not know anything about a tree or a leaf, and I asked you to explain the leaf to me, that is, why it is green, why it is shaped the way it is, why it has a stem.  What would you do?

His Friend:

Well I would make up a story, about why it is green, why it is shaped the way it is, and why it has a stem.  That's what I would do.

This Child:

Would your story of the leaf be of any value?

His Friend:

No, it would have no value, except for entertainment purposes.  It would bring no satisfaction to the leaf or to the owner of the leaf because it is not true, it has no validity.

This Child:

Now lets pretend that you knew all about trees, their life cycle, their function, and the leafs that they have, and we asked you the same question.  What would you do then?

His Friend:

Well that is simple, we would explain the leaf to you in terms of the tree, about how the leaf is that part of the tree that transforms the energy of the sun into the energy of the tree, allowing the tree to move water from the earth, from its roots in the earth, and expire that water out of its leaves, and in this way draw nourishment from the earth that is needed to nourish the tree and grow leaves, flowers, and fruits.  That's what I would do.

This Child:

Would your story of the leaf now be of any value?

His Friend:

Yes, of course, it would be of great value, because it provides an understanding of both the tree and of the leaf, and of the true relationship of the tree and the leaf, and of why it is green, and why it is shaped the way it is, and why it has a stem, now all of these questions and their answers would be of great value, in allowing us to appreciate both the tree and the leaf, and the great work that is done through the relationship of the two, and the great wonder of it all, of what a tree and leaf do, and the great benefit to everyone because they exist.  Yes, that story would be of great value because it is true, it is real, it has validity.

This Child:

That is your problem.

His Friend:

I don't understand.  Please explain it to me.

This Child:

Your current life, how you are currently living your life on the "outside" of you, all that you have and do on the "outside' of us, what you are doing with your life, is like the story that you said you would tell me about the leaf when you had no understanding of the purpose, or function, or properties of a tree.

So what have you done with your life?  You have made up a story, of why you are here, of what you are suppose to do while you are here, of what is the true value of your life, but is all a lie, because you made it up, you didn't go in search of an answer, you just made it up, and even worse than that, you didn't even make it up, you stole that story from others, you are using the same story that your mother and father used, and that all of your friends are using, and you know it, deep down somewhere you know it, and that is why you are becoming miserable in your life, because in truth your life has no validity, it has no real purpose, and you are beginning to realize this more and more.  That is the problem.

In this way, like the story about the leaf that you said you would make up, if you did not know about a tree, it was a lie because you did not know the source of the leaf, you did not know its purpose in relationship to its source, and that is why you said it was of no value, because your story about the leaf had no validity, no true purpose.

Like that, your current story about you, like your story about the leaf, has no validity, because you do know anything about your source, about your Creator, and about your relationship with your Creator, about how "you are" what has faith and trust in Him, in your Creator, about how "He has placed His story" within us, as the "seed" of Himself, so He can "tell His story" using you, using His Creation which He has also placed within you, and how when He has told His story using you, you and He will be "One", for eternity, and how Him doing this within you, when you have truly joined in partnership with Him to do this within you, will be of great benefit to all of His Creation that He has placed within you.

This is your problem, and this is the problem of all of us living in the world today. So find someone who is learning about their Creator, without any "separations or differences", without any of "my group" is different from "your group", and in this way, learn to join in partnership with God within you, to learn about you within you, which is True Man within the Creation of God within you, and about God within True Man within you, which is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and how in truth you and all of this are One.

In this way, use God within you to get to God within you, and stop trying to use what God has discarded to get to God, which is everything that you currently see and are experiencing on the "outside" of you. Then it will be easy

His Friend:

Thank you very much.  That was very helpful.

This Child:

Your welcome.  Glad we could help.

---- End of Short Story ----

In this way, if we will only turn our focus from our safe "outside" to our "yet unknown" inside, if we will only have faith and trust in something greater than ourselves, and greater than what we can know and understand on our own on the "outside" of us, our life will begin to move forward within us, and we will gradually begin to "meet", through our wisdom and through the truth of God within us, through God within us, and through all of the "Stuff of God" within us, all of the "Characters" in "God's Plot" within us, and they will be revealed in their completeness within us, before we die.

In this way, through Abraham and Moses and King David within us (peace be upon Them), through John and Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon Them) within us, and through Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), within us (peace be upon Them, through our "Iman and Islam" within us, we will come to know True Man within the Creation of God within us, and in our age, through the life and teaching of God for our age, which is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), through Bawa within us, and God within Him, we will come to know the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, within the Creation of True Man within us.  Please know this now, my dearest loving brothers and sisters, without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly.  Amen.

In this way, if we stop working for wages to get into some heaven on the "outside" of us, and instead join in partnership with God within us, and with what God is doing within us, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, if we do this, before we die, then all of the "Characters" in "God's Plot" of "Oneness with" within us will be revealed within us, and all of the "characters" in "our plot", in the "drama of us", the drama of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, will come to an end, like "a baby suckles milk".  This is the truth of our life, and of the life of God within us, my dearest loving  brothers and sister, this is "God's guarantee".  Amen.

And all of this is so beautifully explained to us in the Holy Qur'an, in Suratal Tarique, as follows:
                                                                                                                                  - go to outline
2) Quotation From: "The Holy Qur'an", Suratal Tarique: The Night Visitant or the Morning Star - "I plot a plot, and they plot a plot, so give a respite to the disbeliever, deal thou gently with them for a while"

---- beginning of Quotation from the Holy Qur'an ----

          In the name of God, the Most Merciful,
          the Most Compassionate."

          "By the heaven and the Morning Star,
          Ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is,
          The Piercing Star!"

          "No Human Soul but hath a Guardian over it,
          So let man consider from what he is created."

          "He is created from a gushing fluid,
          That issues from between the loins and ribs."

          "Lo!  Verily He is able to return him (unto wisdom),
          On the day when hidden thoughts (of arrogance & karma)
          Shall be searched out."

          "Then will he have no might nor any helper (in the world),
          By heaven what giveth the returning rain (which are our thoughts,
          The 400 trillion, 10 thousand spiritual energies within us),
          And the earth, which splitteth (into the four within us,
          Into the body of illusion, into the four religions "outside" of us)."

          "Lo!  His is a conclusive Word,
          It is no pleasantry."

          "Lo!  They plot a plot
          (Of the 5 elemental spirits within us;
          Of "separation and differences",
          Of "arrogance, karma, and illusion", and
          Of desire for "earth, woman, and gold",
          Both within us and on the "outside" of us)."

          "And I plot a plot
          (Of the Triple Flame of God within us;
          Of "Oneness and Unity",
          Of "Justice and Truth", and
          Of "Compassiong and Unity" within us)."
          "So give a respite to the disbeliever.
          Deal thou gently with them for a while."

---- end of Quotation from the Holy Qur'an ----

In this way, if we can truly say to the Creator of all of us, within us, "Who am I?", and then listen with our Iman, with our "Spirit", with our faith and trust in Him within us, to the answer that will most certainly come from Him within us, as our own life speaking to us, when we are ready to hear it, and ready to either accept or reject it, and then accept it, without any conditions, without a "personal agenda", accept it as the "truth of us" within the "truth of God" within us, then surrender to it, as "truth surrendering to truth: within us, then our life will be most certainly successful, before we die.

In this way, if we are truly ready to hear it as the "truth of us", within the "truth of what is within us", as "truth surrendering to truth" within us, then our life will become successful, if we truly choose to accept it, and make it the whole focus of our life, then our wisdom will reason over our fate, then the qualities of our inner selves will become victorious over the qualities of our outer selves. May we all think about this a little bit. It is very important.

Because in truth we are not alone on the "outside" of us, God is always there looking over us, and because in truth we are "all of it" within us, we are what created it within us, what rules it from within us, what redeems it within us, and then what transcends it, transcends all of it.

For within us, we are at the same time God, what God Created, and "God happening" from within what He Created, as an apple seed is both the apple from which it came, the apple seed, and the earth it is buried within, the apple tree hidden within it, and the truth that will emerge from within it to explain "what it is", that will naturally emerge from within it, as its own life speaking to it, when it is ready to hear it, and ready to either accept it or reject it.

Ready to either accept or reject the truth of itself, to either germinate or fail to germinate, to either tell the story of the apple tree that is hidden within it, that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell, or continue with 'business as usual", that is, continue to live buried in the earth "outside" of itself, alone, "separate from" the earth, and from everyone and everything else, until it dies.

Until it dies, until it rots in the earth, and is absorbed into the earth, forever breaking its connection to the story of the apple tree hidden within it, and to the story of the apple hidden within the story of the apple tree hidden within it, and to the story of the apple seed, again the apple seed, hidden within the apple, and as such they are all One, the apple seed, the apple tree, and the apple are all One.

One within the other as One, One revealing the other within it, as it disappears within the One being revealed, only to appear again, to be revealed again, in the next cycle of AppleTree-Apple/Apple-AppleTree.

And as such so are we, we are One, "us", True Man within the Creation of God within us, and God within us are One, One within the other as One, One revealing the other within it, as it disappears within the One being revealed, only to appear again, to be revealed again, in the next cycle of True Man-God/God-Man.

In this way, the choice is the apple seeds', to germinate or not, to germinate in the earth before it dies or not, as the choice is ours, to again become "One with" God within us before we die, or not, but this time with an understanding of that "Oneness", so it will never leave us again. In this way, the choice is ours, as it always is. Right?

May God grant us the grace to again become "One with" God within us, before we die, so we can spend eternity with God, sharing our understanding of that "Oneness" with Him, if that be our true intention.  Amen.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving band of brothers - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). May God help us all. Amen.

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